We the people of St. Edward Catholic Church believe that we are called to impact family, neighborhood and society with the Gospel. Respecting our Diversity and guided by the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we commit to using our gifts and talents to spread the Good News.
Mass Times & Confession
Join us for Mass. Come praise and Worship God with us!
Weekday Mass
English: Tuesday - Friday: 8am
Español: Martes - Viernes: 6pm
Vigil Mass
English (Saturday): 5pm
Español (Sábado): 7pm
Sunday Mass
English: 9am & 11am
Español: 7am, 1pm, & 7pm
Saturdays: 3:30pm - 5pm
1st Friday/ 1er Viernes: 5pm-6pm
Second and Third Thursday after 6:00 p.m. Mass
Segundo y tercer jueves después de la misa de las 6pm.
Blessed Sacrament
Exposición del Santísimo
1st Friday of the month / 1er Viernes del mes 9am-6pm
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Thursday
After 8am Mass
2do, 3er, 4to, y 5to jueves
Despues de misa de 6pm

Blessings to our St. Edward Community!
Fr. Hector Magallón was born in Michoacán, México. He was ordained a priest in 2005 and is a member of the CORC Priestly Order (Laborers of the Kingdom of Christ). For 6 years, Fr. Hector, served as a Professor at the Seminary for his order then as a Missionary in the Diocese of Puerto Escondido in Oaxaca, Mexico. He arrived in Texas and began serving in the Diocese of Fort Worth in 2012 and is previously a Parochial Vicar at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Arlington, Texas. Fr. Hector serves the community and strives to help people become good citizens through preaching the Good News. He is dedicated to helping everyone understand the values of the Kingdom of God.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13